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CHRONO-PAR® Platelet Aggregation Reagents

Provide High Accuracy and Extremely Low Costs Per Test

Chrono-log offers a complete line of highly concentrated platelet aggregation reagents, requiring only micro-portions per test. The standard aggregation reagents: Thrombin, ADP, Collagen, Ristocetin, Epinephrine and Arachidonic Acid are available, as well as CHRONO-LUME® and ATP Standard reagents for determination of dense granule release when performing Lumi Aggregation. Please review this year-long study which confirmed the exceptional stability of Chrono-log aggregation reagents. CHRONO-PAR® Reagents are validated for use in both Whole Blood and PRP samples.

Click images below to enlarge.

P/N 384

Each vial contains 2.5mg of lyophilized adenosine diphosphate. Performs 500 to 1,000 tests in PRP or Whole Blood samples.

P/N 385

Each vial contains 1mg of native Collagen fibrils (type I) from equine tendons suspended in isotonic glucose solution of pH 2.7. Performs 500 to 1,000 tests in PRP or Whole Blood samples.

P/N 386

Each vial contains a minimum of 10 units of lyophilized Thrombin from human plasma. Performs 10 to 20 tests in PRP or Whole Blood samples.

P/N 390
Arachidonic Acid

Each vial contains a minimum of 10mg of Arachidonic Acid, purity better than 99%. Included is a vial containing 100mg bovine albumin, fraction V powder, 96% to 99% purity. Performs 70 to 140 tests in PRP or Whole Blood samples.

P/N 393

Lyophilized preparation of 1-Epinephrine bitartarate with stabilizers. Performs 1000 or more tests in PRP samples.

P/N 396

Each vial contains 62.5mg of stabilized freeze dried Ristocetin. Performs 62 to 125 tests in PRP or Whole Blood samples.


For Performing Secretion Study Simultaneously with Aggregation

P/N 387
ATP Standard

For the quantitation of ATP Release. Supplied as 2 μmole of lyophilized adenosine 5' triphosphate. 5 μL added to any size test sample provides a 2 nmole standard.

P/N 395

Reagent for measurement of ATP release. Each vial contains 0.2 mg luciferin, 22,000 units d-luciferase plus magnesium sulfate, human serum albumin, stabilizers and buffer. Kit includes 4 vials of CHRONO- LUME plus a vial of lyophilized adenosine 5' triphosphate for use as an ATP Standard. Performs 50 to 100 tests in PRP or Whole Blood samples.

Ristocetin CoFactor Assay

For the Quantitation of Ristocetin CoFactor Activity

P/N 299
Ristocetin CoFactor
Assay Kit
(von Willebrand Factor Assay)

For use in the quantitative determination of Factor VIII Ristocetin Cofactor Activity in citrated plasma. The following Materials included provide volumes sufficient to run 15 determinations: Ristocetin,
7.5 mg/vial; Lyophilized Human Platelets, 6 mL; von Willebrand Reference Plasma, Normal, 1.0 mL; von Willebrand Reference Plasma, Deficient, 0.5 mL; Tris Buffered Saline (TBA) 12 mL.

P/N 299-1

For use in the quantitative determination of Factor VIII Ristocetin Cofactor Activity in citrated plasma. Each vial contains 7.5 mg of
freeze dried Ristocetin for performing up to 15 determinations @ 1.0 mg/mL.

P/N 299-2
Lyophilized Human
Platelets 6mL,
Tris Buffered Saline

For use in the quantitative determination of Factor VIII Ristocetin Cofactor Activity in citrated plasma. Each vial provides 6 mL of Platelets following reconstitution with
Tris Buffered Saline (TBS) for performing up to 15 determinations.

P/N 299-3
vW Reference Plasma
Normal 1mL

For use in the quantitative determination of Factor VIII Ristocetin Cofactor Activity in citrated plasma. Each vial contains dried human plasma
standardized for Ristocetin Cofactor Activity, 1.0 mL.

P/N 299-4
vW Reference
Plasma Deficient .5mL

For use in the quantitative determination of Factor VIII Ristocetin Cofactor Activity in citrated plasma. Each vial contains
dried human plasma derived from human congenital von Willebrand patients, 0.5 mL.

P/N 299-5
Tris Buffered
Saline 12m

For use in the reconstitution of lyophilized Platelets, used in the quantitative determination of Factor VIII Ristocetin
Cofactor Activity in citrated plasma. Each vial contains 12 mL Tris Buffered Saline (TBS).

P/N 299-6
Hemostasis Reference
Plasma 1mL

For use as a Reference Plasma in the quantitative determination of Factor VIII Ristocetin Cofactor Activity in citrated plasma.
Each vial contains 1.0 mL of dried plasma prepared from a pool of Normal Human Plasma. All analytes are in the Normal Range.

P/N 299-7
Hemostasis Reference
Abnormal 1mL

For use as an Abnormal Reference Plasma in the quantitative determination of Factor VIII Ristocetin Cofactor Activity in citrated plasma.
Each vial contains 1.0 mL of dried plasma prepared from a pool of Normal Human Plasma. All analytes are adjusted to be in the Abnormal Range.

Chrono-log also provides a complete system to perform the RISTOCETIN COFACTOR ASSAY including:

  • Dual, Four or Eight-Channel Optical Aggregometers, priced to make diagnosis of Von Willebrand Disease affordable.
  • VW CoFactor Assay Software provides ability to create a Standard Curve of up to six (6) points, to monitor the CV [Coefficient of Variation] and CD [Coefficient of Determination/R2], automatic calculation of Slope and CoFactor Activity and storage of standard curves for future reference. On-Screen instructions and the ability to run replicate tests insure efficient operation. The software is WINDOWS-compatible.
  • P/N 299 Ristocetin CoFactor Assay Kit, a low cost, fifteen (15) determination kit for testing with any Optical Aggregometer. Each Kit contains Human Lyophilized Platelets, Tris Buffer Saline, Ristocetin, vWD Normal Reference Plasma and vWD Deficient Reference Plasma. All kit components can also be purchased separately.
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